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Approved Minutes 12/11/2014
Salem Conservation Commission
Draft Meeting Minutes

Date and Time:          Thursday December 11th, 2014, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Gregory St. Louis, Bob Pond, Tom Campbell, Bart Hoskins, Dan Ricciarelli
Members Absent:         Julia Knisel, Amy Hamilton
Others Present:         Tom Devine, Conservation Agent
Recorder:               Marsha Finkelstein

Vice Chair St. Louis calls the meeting to order at 6:07pm.

Old/New Business

27 Pierce Road, DEP #64-563: Discussion of noncompliance with Order of Conditions

William Dimento, the attorney representing the owner, spoke and apologized for what happened on the project.  Dimento commented that field decisions were wrong and didn’t follow proper procedure.  They’re here accepting the consequences and correcting the error. Dimento asked for permission for Bill Manuell to speak about it.  

Bill Manuell is from Wetlands & Land Management in Danvers and commented that they went into the area and grubbed out the area.  They thought they had a good plan to restore the area.  They seeded it with a New England conservation mix.  This morning they went to the location and saw some germination.  They will install shrubbery in the area; it is lightly mulched at this moment. Manuell added that a low boulder wall was installed and the driveway was installed and the area that was supposed to be graveled was paved.  Nothing was expanded beyond the limit of work.  Manuell commented that the Commission approved over 4,700 square feet of pavement.  The amount of pavement approved was not installed and it’s now only for 2 cars as opposed to 4.  The boulder wall was installed at the edge of the former driveway.  The contractor had suggested the changes to improve the project impact and that it’s a reduction in pavement of about 700 square feet.  Manuell added that the procedure is to come back to the Commission and request an amendment and they’ll inform the abutters and follow the proper procedure of notifying the public.  

Ricciarelli asked about the impact on the design and Scott Patrowicz responded that this may be an opportunity to enlarge and it is more of a betterment of the project.  St. Louis asked about the grading with water still sheet flowing and the response was that they’re going to add a water quality swale.  
Dimento commented that they understand that the procedure is wrong.  St. Louis asked if all the site work is completed until spring and Dimento replied that it was.  Manuell added that the contractor did a good job in preparing the project for the season.  Ricciarelli asked if this was mitigated and the other parties responded that it was done onsite.  Devine stated that Manuell seems to be asking for a request to amend with full public notice.  Manuell and Dimento confirmed this.  Dimento commented that they will leave that up to the Commission.

St. Louis asked if there’s any reason to wait until spring and Patrowicz responded that the construction would resume in spring. Devine stated that the City engineer cleared some buffer zone to access sewer manholes, but it is unclear how a large area of buffer zone had ultimately been cleared. Devine had given the owner permission to place some conservation mix to restore the buffer zone, but he would also like to see some shrubbery added to avoid the buffer zone becoming an extension of the residential lawn area. Manuell agreed to submit locations of shrubs on a plan. Devine stated that there should be a row of shrubs along the landward edge of the cleared area as well as some randomly placed shrubs throughout the cleared area.

Devine asked the Commission what it wants to do to move forward and if there should be a deadline for amending the order. The Commission determined that it must be amended prior to work resuming onsite in the spring.

Riverview Place (Salem Suede Redevelopment)—DEP #64-579—Continuation of Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—Riverview Place, LLC, 5 Broadmoor Lane, Peabody, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed mixed-use redevelopment of 72 Flint Street, and 67 & 71 Mason Street (former Salem Suede) consisting of 3 buildings and appurtenances within an area subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and Salem’s Wetlands Protection & Conservation Ordinance.

Devine comments that applicant requests to continue to January 8, 2015. Hoskins motions to continue and Ricciarelli seconds, an all vote in favor.

Old/New Business, continued

Witch Hill Subdivision Lot 228, DEP #64-531: Request for Certificate of Compliance

Bob Griffin of Griffin Engineering Group presented. Devine stated that he visited the site and there were small deviations to the plan with a deck instead of a patio. Campbell motioned to issue the Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Ricciarelli, and all vote in favor.

28 Goodhue Street, DEP #64-441: Request for Certificate of Compliance

Devine remarked that one deviation from the approved plan is that an existing building was demolished and replaced with a grass surface.  Devine commented that they moved the riverwalk with a minor modification. Devine commented that the path looks great and the rest of the site looks like it’s in compliance.

St. Louis commented about manhole size being different in the plans.  Devine asked if the Commission wants the project engineer to come in to discuss.  St. Louis also commented that the catch basins are ½ inch off as well.  The Commission agrees to table the item until the next meeting.

36 Swampscott Road, DEP #64-314: Request for Certificate of Compliance

Steve Chouinard, the Project Manager, commented that it was permitted in 2001 and worked on in thereafter. The parking is slightly smaller than permited.  A light pole never installed and the company is working to get lighting at that location.  There was no chain link fence and now there is one and it’s about 15 feet away (between 2 lot lines).  The 2 no snow storage signs are on the chain-link fence.  There is a catch basin that works and there is documentation that it’s been cleaned and maintained.  

St. Louis commented that he’s got no problem with the turnaround and the utility pole.  St. Louis asked about the chain link fence and Chouinard replied that it was about 4-5 feet.  St. Louis suggested they move the signs to make sure it’s easier for the plowers to not dump snow there.  Ted Papadopoulos, Ashton Law’s, the attorney for the owner, confirmed that the signs were posted so they’d be in compliance with the requirements.  St. Louis asked if that was the storage site and both Chouinard and Papadopoulos confirmed that this was a snow storage site.

Devine commented that there’s another deviation to note, the lawn area that was required to remain undisturbed. Ricciarelli asked Devine for his opinion and Devine recommended granting the Certificate of Compliance.  
Ricciarelli motions to issue the Certificate of Compliance, Campbell seconds, and all vote in favor.

265 & 285 Canal Street, 70 Loring Avenue (Salem State Parking Lot): DEP #64-560: Request for Certificate of Compliance

Paul Avery from Oak Consulting group presented to the Commission.  The Commissioners and Avery commented that these parcels are the temporary parking for Salem State.  Devine commented that it had to treated as though it is a permanent facility a permanent project.  Avery stated that it was constructed as intended and the only change is slight.  Avery commented that the site was prone to flooding and showed St. Louis what the final plan looks like. Ricciarelli asked how long temporary is and Avery replied that he wasn’t sure what the future plan is for the parcels.  Devine commented that with all the activity going on at Salem State, he believes the site will be redeveloped soon.

Ricciarelli motions to issue the Certificate of Compliance, Hoskins seconds, and all vote in favor.

Selection of member to serve on Open Space/Recreation Needs Assessment & Master Plan Steering Committee

Dan Ricciarelli volunteered to serve as a member from the Conservation Commission.  Devine will present Ricciarelli’s name to the Mayor and send him a meeting schedule.

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Julia Knisel has resigned and the Chair position has to be filled.  Ricciarelli motions to select St. Louis as Chair, Campbell seconds, and all vote in favor.  Devine recommends Bart Hoskins for the Vice Chair position. Ricciarelli motions to elect Bart Hoskins as Vice Chair, Pond seconds, and all vote in favor.

Review of 2015 Meeting Schedule

Devine confirmed the schedule for 2015.  St. Louis discussed possibly changing the meeting times.  Hoskins commented that a 6:30pm might work.  The Commission discussed a variety of options and recommendations for scheduling meetings and requirements relating to submissions prior to meetings.

The Commission discussed the possibility of meeting only once per month. Devine remarked that he will look into that.

Meeting Minutes—October 23, 2014

Ricciarelli motions to approve the minutes with edits, Hoskins seconds, and all vote in favor.

Devine summarizes the results of the Lead Mills annual wetlands monitoring report and members of the Commission express concern with how little of the restored marsh has survived. Devine states their order of conditions only required replanting up to 2 years after initial planting, but Marblehead’s order, had more teeth—requiring replanting up to 5 years after. Devine stated that he would consult with the Marblehead Conservation Commission to see if they will require replanting for the portion of the marsh in Marblehead and see if there is any opportunity to coordinate with them for replantings in Salem.
Devine reminded the Commission that he is still looking for a new member to fill the vacancy on the Commission.
Devine announced that Salem was awarded a grant from Coastal Zone Management to assess opportunities for green infrastructure. It is a $100,000 project, to which the Commission previously agreed to contribute $9,000.

Ricciarelli motions to adjourn, Hoskins seconds, and all vote in favor.
The meeting ends at 8:18pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Finkelstein
Clerk, Salem Conservation Commission